

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Scenes and Thoughts from Vandy Children's Hospital

Last night, Brent from Under Great Lights was playing songs up and down the hall. He stopped by the room to serenade Lila and she was enchanted. Let's take Lila to a UGL concert when this is all in the past.

Lila ate five Popsicles and at least one homemade muffin before bed last night.

She can tell when something is about to go down. No hiding it from her.

The staff here is working so hard for us. The doctors communicate everything up front and let you ask as many questions as you need. They are able to give smart answers to dumb questions. Really impressed with this team and facility.

After surgery, a doctor came to check her vitals and Lila told her "thank you" in her scratchy little voice.

We had a post-surgery fever scare but she is normal now and sleeping so well, which is a great blessing.

We put Callie on speakerphone so she could sing Twinkle Twinkle to her sister. Lila lifted her head and said, "Callie is singing a song." We pretty well lost it. 

I met another father in the chapel today. His daughter Avery (3) was undergoing her first surgery too. We both marveled at the amount of support we're getting from our faith community and everyone who loves us and our kids. Then we gave each other permission not to "like" every comment received in the first 48-72 hours, though we are both reading them all. We are praying for Avery and her family too.

Lila's pre-K teacher Mrs Carol came to visit her today and Lila lit up like a light bulb (non-fluorescent kind, instant). Lila likes to give Mrs Carol hugs, which she tried to do immediately but got a little tangled in the tubes. We are all big fans of Mrs Carol.

iPhone still tries to correct Lila to Lola or LOL. One of those is going to slip through.

The one thing I'm really looking forward to is taking Lila to a playground so she can do the slides. Gotta get rid of these tubes first.

Short term I'm hoping she gets used to the Foley catheter. Catheter drama last night. Not gonna share those details.

A friend has offered to format this blog so it's easier on the eyes and easier to navigate!

We hope tomorrow can be about rest, recovery, and reconnecting with you awesome people who are supporting us so well.

A good friend in another state lamented that he couldn't be here in person. We decided that God is doing big things everywhere and we're just honored to play a part, no matter the size. Don't feel bad if you can't come visit. Your love is needed wherever you live.

It's just now sinking in that this will be a long journey.

Pray that Lila is comfortable.

She has always been a huge fan of doctor kits and band aids. Daddy is usually her patient. This has been great (unintentional) training for all the vitals-checking that happens here 25-30 times a day. She totally understands what's happening.

On December 31st, 2014, she put on these glasses and said, "I'm a doctor!"


  1. Beautiful update, Luke! We are all praying without ceasing for you all!!

  2. You are all in our prayers!

  3. We are all praying for your family Luke and little Lila Grace. -Brandt McMillan

  4. Luke we are praying for Lila Grace and your whole family. Joel, Roja & MJ

  5. Thank you Luke. We are all with you guys on this journey. Give hugs to Sarah for me.
