

Monday, May 18, 2015

We're Home!

Lila had a great Sunday! She walked, played, and ate. We also had some visitors!

 Lila & Cousin Ava 

Today we were discharged from the hospital and made it home before lunchtime! Lila surpassed everyone's expectations with her speedy recovery. Our surgeon commented this morning that he expected that she would be there until at least Wednesday.  Her activity level is pretty much back to normal. She has all this pain medicine she can take as needed, but only had Tylenol early this morning and another dose before bed just because I thought she might feel worse when she was being still vs. running around.  It's really remarkable. Praise God! We are so grateful for our amazing surgeon, his team, the nurses, child life, and all the hospital staff. Although we hate being there, we really love the children's hospital. 

Playing hospital before bedtime

Tomorrow we will go to the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer center for a consult with the radiation oncologist. On Wednesday morning we are scheduled for her radiation SIM, which she will be sedated for. They will be taking images and measurements in preparation for her real radiation treatments which will begin after she has healed more from her surgery. We are still awaiting results of the full pathology report. 


  1. Praise to God! So happy to hear surgery went well and recovery is so impressive!

  2. Praise Jesus!! So glad you all are one step closer to being done with this journey!
